On Tuesday, April 29, 2014, JPC hosted the world renowned photographer Frederic Brenner, who has just launched his book An Archeology of Fear and desire. The book is part of an ambitious project titled THIS PLACE: AN UNPRECEDENTED LOOK AT ISRAEL AND THE WEST BANK THROUGH THE EYES OF 12 RENOWNED ARTISTS.
This Place features work from internationally acclaimed photographers Wendy Ewald, Martin Kollar, Josef Koudelka, Jungjin Lee, Gilles Peress, Fazal Sheikh, Stephen Shore, Rosalind Solomon, Thomas Struth, Jeff Wall, Nick Waplington and Frederic Brenner.
About This Place:
The 13 books associated with This Place are being published over the course of a year. Following the publication of Frederic Brenner’s book, Stephen Shore will publish From Galilee to the Negev (Phaidon) in May 2014. Rosalind Solomon’s Them (MACK) and Nick Waplington Settlements (MACK) will follow later this spring; and six additional monographs will appear in fall 2014, along with the collective catalogue accompanying the exhibition. The project’s first two monographs, Field Trip by Martin Kollar (MACK) and Wall by Josef Koudelka (Aperture), were published in fall 2013.
These 13 books capture the monumental scale of the project, as well as profound and personal visions of each of the participating photographers. The diversity of their perspectives and artistic grammars captures the complexity and dissonance of the place itself.
This Place International Touring Exhibition to Launch in Prague, October 2014
For the New York Time story featuring This Place, please click here.