Outreach Associate
Gaby Shine Markowitz is Outreach Associate at JPC. Gaby brings a wealth of experience from the NGO world to JPC, through her work with Yerushalem: The Coalition for a Pluralist Jerusalem, The Yerushalmit Movement, JDC, and Beyachad: Promoting Inclusion in Israel and many other initiatives.
A former Program Director of the Dorot Fellowship and various student leadership programs through Hillel, The Jewish Agency and Young Judaea, Gaby is passionate about sharing both Israel’s complexity and beauty and safeguarding pluralism and tolerance in Israeli society.
Gaby has a BSc Hons in Psychology from the University of Leeds and studied for a Masters Degree in Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Born and raised in London, England, Gaby lives with her South African husband and four children in Jerusalem and advocates for the inclusion of individuals with disabilities and for saving lives through awareness of genetic breast and ovarian cancer.