

Articles Published Following JPC's Events/Programs:

  1. [German]
  2. La Jiribilla [Spanish]
  3. Euronews [Video – English]
  4. Euronews II [Video – English]
  5. Rapporto Confidenziale [Italian]
  6. BNR – Bulgarian National Radio [Bulgarian]
  7. Birth.Movies.Death – I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII [English]
  8. Noreste [Spanish]
  9. Vertigo [Spanish]
  10. NY TID [Danish]
  11. Reflex [Czech]
  12. Cinéma [French]


  1. i24 News [Video – English]
  2. In Profile Daily [English]
  3. Jerusalem Post [English]
  4. Jewish Journal [English]
  5. Jewish Week [English]
  6. Royim Olam [Video – Hebrew]
  7. Globes [Hebrew]
  8. The 7 Eye [Hebrew]
  9. Ynet [Hebrew]
  10. Walla News [Hebrew]
  11. Kol Ha’ir [Hebrew]
  12. Ma’ariv [Hebrew]


  1. Screen Daily [English]
  2. Variety [English]
  3. Indiewire [English]
  4. Fat Guys at the Movies – Audio [English]
  5. Film School Rejects  [English]
  6. Kino Art [Russian]
  7. Jewish Journal [English]
  8. WBEX Radio – Audio [English]
  9. Filmdienst [German]
  10. WLW Radio – Audio [English] * time frames: 18:00 – 30:00
  11. 7M Pictures – I, II, III [English]

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  1. Jerusalem Post [English]
  2. Jerusalem Post [English]
  3. The Times of Israel [English]
  4. Media Baronu [Turkish]
  5. By Rabbi Boteach, as published in the Huffington Post [English]:

Joined with Natan Sharasnky at the Jerusalem Press Club for a public discussion, the three of us debated whether there was an obligation to hate evil. Mehmet maintained that hatred harmed he who harbored it, even for the best of reasons. On this Sharasnky and I disagreed. Natan spoke of the evil he encountered in the KGB. I spoke of Hamas’ genocidal covenant and Hezbollah’s commitment to annihilating Israel. Terrorists deserved our contempt. Only by truly hating evil are we prepared to fight it. In the end we compromised in agreeing that hating evil should not be obsessive and internal but rather externally directed at neutralizing those who slaughter God’s innocent children, whoever they may be.


On January 27th 2020, JPC with the cooperation of the World Jewish Congress, sent a delegation of Israeli journalists to cover the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.